Lesbian sextape scandal

Anambra - Few days to the end of her reign, Miss Anambra 2015, Queen Chidinma Okeke, has been dethroned due to the scandalous lesbian sex video she allegedly took part in.
The video had gone viral showing the Chidinma and her personal assistant, Ada, who is also a beauty queen, engaged in illicit sex using cucumber.
Chidinma later reacted to the video saying it was not her, her face was super-imposed into the video.
She also went ahead to claim it was the works of her haters who want her downfall.
The leakers of the videos are now claiming Chidinma Okeke has been dethroned due to the sex-tape scandal.
They also claim that Chidinma has been paying a blackmailer huge amount of money just to cover up her tracks and not release the sex video.
MighteeBlog had reported how the crowned winner of Miss Anambra 2015 competition, Chidinma Okeke, was embroiled in a lesbian sex tape scandal.
The video which looks very recent shows the queen who is from Orumba North (or maybe someone that looks like her as she claimed) engaged in lesbian acts with one of her close friends, a lady known as ‘Ada’.

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