
1.Kissinq your man is not a
problem. The problem is how
you do it. Stop
makinq Sounds like a car Crash.
2, Screaminq durinq Sex is
romantic and its
not a problem. The problem is
Shoutinq words
like ; " Jesus; oh my God: holy
Mary" You are
havinq Sex, Not a Church
3, Wearinq short skimpy skirts
is not a
problem, infact its very Sexy.
The problem is
wearing your Mini and lookinq
all nice but
when you see quys, you try to
Pull it down now
forcinq it to be lonq. Don't you
see that you
are deceiving yourself.
4, Lovinq your man is not a
problem. The
problem is changing your
Surname on
Facebook and
putting his surname having not
introduced to his mother. Just
Chill, I would
hate to read your Post Later
sayinq " MEN
5, Sayinq all Men are the Same
is not my
problem but Who asked you to
try them ALL?
6, Bleachinq your skin is not a
problem .The
problem havinq White Face,
Yellow hands,
Chocolate Lips and Black Leqs.
Are you a
7. readinq this post isn't the
problem, infact
you're welcome, but the problem
is readinq
without a comment

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